So a couple days ago I made a passing mention of the retailer accepting returns on Micah Wright’s comics, and made the comment that I wasn’t sure if anyone was really buying those comics based on Wright’s invented military service. Well, the retailer in question popped in and noted that he said the same thing in the column I linked to, which I somehow managed to overlook in my rush to get my post done that day…otherwise, I would have mentioned it. He also notes that no one’s taken him up on the deal yet, but you know what? That doesn’t really matter. The offer alone is enough to generate a great deal of goodwill among your customers, even if they do decide to hang onto their Stormwatch issues. Plus, since this particular topic has been all the rage in the “comicsweblogosphere” and in the real world, this is a good way to get people talking about your store. Hey, as a longtime seller of funnybooks myself, I can appreciate a good publicity stunt when I see one! Like I told him…wish I’d thought of it myself.
I’ve actually been thinking a bit about store publicity lately, as the store I manage is quickly approaching its 25th anniversary and I’d like to try to cook up something special…like a big party for the customers, or a commemorative comic book, or something. (What…”a sale?” Okay, who said that!) I haven’t used this weblog to plug my place of employment, if only because I don’t want any hard feelings generated (inadvertently, certainly) by this site to reflect poorly on the store (or vice versa, har har), but maybe once the 25th anniversary arrives, I’ll have to change that policy.
On other topics:
Near Mint Heroes and Thought Balloons are link-posting madmen! I tried to do the links-weblog thing very early on, but not to the extent that these folks can manage. Journalista may be resting at the moment, but these guys more than make up for it.
My evil Canadian twin Steven Wintle, beneath a great Night Nurse cover, makes a brief mention of Flat Earth’s impending “termination date”…wha huh? What did I miss? Surely this can’t be so!
I’m not entirely sure what to make of Beatles and Bizarros, but thank God it exists.