All Gambit, all the time.
A good place to start to learn about the Ragin’ Cajun would be here, at Cajun Country, which features a complete (as of ’99) biography of Remy, plus a bonus biography of his one true love, Rogue.
You may find the wit, wisdom, and bon mots of Gambit here at The Quotable Gambit.
Those of you who are fans of the Champions superhero role playing game can find Gambit stats here. posts their review of the Marvel Legends Gambit figure. This figure must be enormously popular…I see more of these on the shelves at our local toy store than any other Marvel figure!
Our Spanish-speaking friends will enjoy this nicely-designed site about Gambit and Rogue…be sure to check out the special feature on their costumes!
The Superhero Dictionary provides an entry on Gambit that not only explains who Gambit is, but also provides the actual definition of the word “gambit.” Your choice of WAV or Realaudio files provides the correct pronunciation.
When the comic books just aren’t enough…the fans step up and provide further adventures of our favorite mutant right here.
Here’s another fanfic, featuring a crossover between the X-Men and Neil Gaiman’s Sandman…with lots of Gambit action!
I don’t know why you’d want to dress up characters from the Daria cartoon as Gambit and Jubilee, but here you go (about halfway down the page).
What th–?? A Gambit site that doesn’t like Rogue? How can this be?
Young Gambit fans might enjoy printing out this page to color.
People seem to like to dress up as Gambit, and really, who can blame them? Take a look here at this nicely done costume.
Artist John Watkins-Chow presents a couple interesting interpretations of Gambit and Rogue (and plenty of other X-Men).
If you’re like me, there’s nothing you want more than to see Gambit in the third X-Men movie…but only if his romance with Rogue plays out just as it does in the comics! Go here to sign the online petition – you know as well as I do that there’s nothing Hollywood respects more than an online petition, so get over there and sign already!