1. In trying to find some Super-Turtle information for Rose, I came across the Henry Boltinoff Hall of Fame Gallery which contains tons of scans of Mr. Boltinoff’s fill-in strips for DC Comics. Alas, though Super-Turtle is mentioned in the introduction, no S-T strips appear to be reproduced here. There is an index of some Super-Turtle stories here (down near the bottom of the page) if you want to try to find the original comics.
2. The Existentialism of Charlie Brown. (via pal Andy)
3. After buying the Dr. Doom/Thing Marvel Mini-Mates set on a whim, I find myself oddly compelled by these strange little things. I would really like to see a Galactus Mini-Mate…wouldn’t that be neat?
4. For no good reason, here’s a page with pictures of Kenner’s Swamp Thing toy line. (Personal aside…years ago, a manager of a local toy store gave me the “Official SWAMP THING Toy Headquarters” sign that tied into these toys. I keep meaning to put it in one of my front windows, just to annoy the neighbors.)