
§ February 24th, 2004 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on Blogosphere.

While Alan David Doane has his 5 Questions (the most recent is Chester Brown), Flat Earth has his Archie comics and romance advice columns, Neilalien (who manages to refer to himself in the third person and make it sound natural…I do it and people laugh at me) has got his Dr. Strange and Laura has her Aquaman, and Graeme has his finely-honed eye for message board nonsense…

…I’ve got an old Superboy cover:

Superboy #189 (August, 1972), cover by Nick Cardy

During the early 1970s, when horror was finding its way back into popular culture, via movies, books, and television, comic books were not immune. You had Superman fighting devils, Swamp Thing and Man-Thing were hauling themselves out of their respective swamplands, the Son of Satan getting Comics Code approved (somehow), people were getting possessed left and right (like, oh, say, Ghost Rider), and, where he was cavorting with Krypto and teaming with the Legion of Super-Heroes before, now Superboy was dealing with “The Curse of the Hangman’s Noose.”

What I like best about that cover, I think, is the inset Superbaby head between Pa’s feet.

And that, my friends, is what I have to contribute to the Comics Blogosphere.

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