Is there anything more topical than a handful of X-Men pins from the 1990s?

§ November 9th, 2011 § Filed under pins, x-men § 8 Comments

Came across a few of these while going through some boxes at the store:

“Do you have a small metal pin with a close-up of Cyclops’ grimacing, visorless face in a snowstorm?” “Why, as a matter o’fact….”

BEHOLD: cloisonné stubble:

That may have been too much detail, but on the other hand…granted, this next pin’s actual size is only about an inch tall, so there’s only so much detail they can put in. Still, Cable’s near-featureless face and its soul-sucking gaping maw are just plain creepy:

“Limited to 2,500” says the back of this next pin:

I’m pretty sure they did pins for the other covers, too, but I sure hope they did an extra-wide pin for the fold-out version.

8 Responses to “Is there anything more topical than a handful of X-Men pins from the 1990s?”