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I have the best readers.

§ February 26th, 2015 § Filed under swamp thing, this is a fetish for someone § 6 Comments

Guys, just arrived in the mail today, from the hands of Robert Wilson IV, along with a signed copy of Bitch Planet #3, a signed copy of Like A Virus (now available on Comixology!), and a signed print, is this piece of original artwork:

…based on a long-running gag of mine that I’ve mentioned once or twice in recent years, though the earliest reference I can find is pal Dorian referring to it in 2004.

It was longtime reader Mike Z. who was the fella what first put together Mr. Wilson IV with my particular obsession humorous one-off gag that in no way reflects any unhealthy fetishes, and, I just learned, is directly responsible for commissioning this illustration and having it sent to me. So thank you, Mike, for your kindness, and thank you, Robert, for probably not wondering out loud “you want me to draw what?”

BREAKING: Exclusive footage of water-based superheroics!

§ February 20th, 2015 § Filed under this is a fetish for someone § 6 Comments

I was old enough (if not geographically close enough) in 1977 to have gone to see this show:

…but alas, I did not. Thankfully, I can experience it now via the miracle of the YouTubings:

Also, here’s a pic of Aquaman from that movie coming next year or whenever.

Come celebrate Thanksgiving the way our forefathers intended…

§ November 22nd, 2012 § Filed under archie, this is a fetish for someone § 4 Comments

…by enjoying this picture of Wetsuit Jughead:

You’re welcome.

image from Archie’s Joke Book #134 (March 1969)

Let’s all just enjoy a swell Gil Kane splash with the Atom about to be flattened by an iron.

§ January 20th, 2012 § Filed under gil kane, this is a fetish for someone § 12 Comments

While the look in that dude’s eyes is particularly creepy, for some reason his hands are terrifying.

image from The Atom #15 (Dec. ’64/Jan. ’65) by Gardner Fox, Gil Kane & Sid Greene

This is a fetish for someone.

§ July 6th, 2011 § Filed under challs, doom patrol, this is a fetish for someone § 9 Comments

So while the rest of the Doom Patrol and the Challengers of the Unknown battle against their other foes, Elasti-Girl faces off against Multi-Man (that little bald guy, there) and his robotic Multi-Woman:

Predating Batman’s Human Siamese Knot by a couple of years!

Meanwhile, Multi-Man makes his tactical-yet-hilarious withdrawal from the conflict:


images from Challengers of the Unknown #48 (February/March 1966) by Arnold Drake & Bob Brown