And now, Betty talking with Veronica about their favorite song by The Coasters.

§ July 19th, 2017 § Filed under archie § 8 Comments

Okay, The Coasters spell “Yakety” differently, don’t email back.

from Betty #23 (March 1995) by Mike Pellowski, Doug Crane and Mark Brewer

8 Responses to “And now, Betty talking with Veronica about their favorite song by The Coasters.”

  • Boosterrific says:

    This must be from that Very Special Episode where Betty opened up about her struggles with anorexia.

  • Thelonious_Nick says:

    Seriously, look at those legs. Somebody get Betty a cheeseburger and malt from Pop’s!

  • Mikester says:


  • MrJM says:

    After reading ‘The Secret’, Betty refused to refer to her condition as ‘Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome’.

    — MrJM

  • top cat james says:

    Wait, it’s not “Charlie Brown”? Afraid to plug the competition?

  • Kurt Onstad says:

    Well, with taking out the papers and the trash, scrubbing the kitchen floor, cleaning up her room, walking to the laundromat, bringing in the dog and taking out the cat, it didn’t leave a lot of time for eating.

  • Bryan says:

    I know we’re not to bodyshame Betty, but she appears to have five fingers on her right hand, three on her left, and four toes on her right foot (the left is in conclusive). Someone should really help this girl.

  • Mikester says: