§ May 29th, 2013 § Filed under scans, this calls for hyperspeed § 1 Comment

Not to be confused, of course, with Vooper from Nexus:

…though the resemblance to our esteemed former Presidential candidate was not quite as pronounced in Vooper’s first appearance in Nexus #11 back in 1985:

…or in this pic of the character. But then, why would it be? I do remember being — well, even “slightly startled” is too strong a description, maybe “bemused” — at the early ’90s Vooper redesign, because I was the kind of person who worried about that sort of thing suddenly changing in an ongoing series I’m reading. Not like today, where I hardly ever go on at length about costume changes and continuity tweakings. Oh, no.

images from Troll Patrol #1 (January 1993), Nexus: The Wages of Sin #1 (March 1995) and Nexus #11 (August 1985)

One Response to ““ROSS FOR BOSS””

  • flarp says:

    Never heard of “Troll Patrol”…..but that’s gotta be Michael Gallagher’s work; all his old tropes are in it.