I sorta do and sorta don’t want this to be officially part of Popeye’s backstory.

§ September 20th, 2012 § Filed under popeye § 12 Comments

Long ago, during a stormy evening whilst at sea, Poopdeck Kidd’s wife gives birth to their child:

And thus does Poopdeck’s son enter the world with the name of “Ugly Kidd,” a handle as unlikely as it is appropriate:

Of course, Ugly would soon be better known to the world by his injury-inspired nickname:

On a related note, the future father of Linus, Lucy and Rerun Van Pelt (and apparent PTA fan) attended Santa Monica High School with Popeye:


from Popeye Special #1 (Summer 1987) by Ron Fortier, Benn Dunn and Bill Pearson

12 Responses to “I sorta do and sorta don’t want this to be officially part of Popeye’s backstory.”

  • Dean says:

    Glass houses, Poopdeck.

  • rubber cat says:

    I always figured his name was, like, John Popeye or something

  • Jim Kosmicki says:

    is this the one published by Ocean Comics? I vaguely remember that coming out and there being a bit of a kerfuffle about it. Wasn’t Ocean Comics (and these creators?) the ones who did Mr. Jigsaw? I remember that as a really good, fun comic book.

    and holy crap, looking it up on the googlemachine to verify, I find out that they’ve been producing more issues of it? http://www.robmdavis.com/RedbudStudio/index.html must investigate…

  • Snark Shark says:

    he’s RIGHT. that IS one UGLY baby!

  • JRC says:

    I have this comic someplace, it’s very … interesting.
    I think my fav’ bit is that Poppeye’s mom is a professional roller derby athlete.

  • Dave says:

    As awful as this comic was — and it was dreadful — it shone like the son compared to that hideous wedding issue Peter David “wrote” a few years later.

  • IT says:

    “And this is why at 18, you get a free rename and to slap your parents.”

  • Bear says:

    On the one had, I can’t believe I never knew that someone had come up with a back-story for Popeye.

    On the other hand, I can’t believe I can’t believe I never knew that someone had come up with a back-story for Popeye. Because of course they did.

  • Suckmaster Burstingfoam says:

    You forgot to mention Arcane is in Animal Man #0.

  • esteban138 says:

    Somehow sees Popeye in that art style is incredibly upsetting to me… the classic arms and chin just look hideously swollen or something.

  • Snark Shark says:


    “A nickname he earned on one of his many visits to San Fansico…”

  • Nate says:

    The Robin Williams movie is all the origin I could ever need.