Seriously, the nose kills me.

§ May 17th, 2011 § Filed under sluggo, statues, swamp thing § 6 Comments

So the new DC Comics solicitations are out and the only important comic worth mentioning is, of course, Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing #3:

Seeing Deadman on the cover there brings to mind those old Challengers of the Unknown issues where the Swampy/Deadman team first got its start. A good omen!

The solicit reads:

“The search ends here as John Constantine finally finds out Swamp Thing’s dark motives – and what they have to do with him!”

…so it sounds like this mini-series is addressing the whole “murderous Swamp Thing” coda from the end of Brightest Day #24, as I figured. Also, there’s a variant cover for this issue, too, but I don’t know what it is yet. But I’m sure I’ll buy it.

Speaking of being a huge sucker, I’ll probably be grabbing one of these as well:


Guardian of the Green!

Swamp Thing rises again, as seen in the unforgettable final issue of BRIGHTEST DAY!

Summoner of life, this Elemental possesses super strength and can manipulate all forms of plant life – even those alien to earth.

The cold-cast porcelain bust measures approximately 5.75” high x 3.5” wide x 5.75” deep and is packaged in a 4-color box.

I don’t know why the description of Swamp Thing’s abilities makes me laugh, since, well, that’s pretty accurate, I suppose. Just seems funny seeing it all laid out there like that. I never really think of Swamp Thing as possessing “super strength,” but, yeah, I guess he does at that. Dude pulled a helicopter out of the air in Saga of the Swamp Thing #20, after all.

But of course, this will be my third Swamp Thing statue. As I said on the Twitter the other day: “The upside to Swamp Thing coming back: more Swamp Thing crap to buy. The downside: more Swamp Thing crap to buy.”

But here’s something that’s entirely free. FREEEEEEEEE. Drawn and sent to me by reader Thomas, the most spectacular mash-up of them all…that muck-encrusted mockery of a ruffian, SLUGGO THING:

Oh man, that nose.

6 Responses to “Seriously, the nose kills me.”

  • John says:

    Of course with Nancy-Thing coming out in the same time-frame from Marvel, there’s always been a debate about which came first.

    (I got yr Giant-Sized Nancy-Thing Right here!)

  • Anonymous says:

    Of course Swamp Thing has super-strength.

    Hulk + Thing + Man-Thing = Swamp Thing. Nuff Said!

  • Andres says:

    Poor Nancy, having to deal with Swamp Sluggo!

  • I would love some time to find out the origin of your swamp thing love, Mike!

  • Alex says:

    What are the other two Swamp Thing statues? The one with roses for hands I remember… but what other ones are out there?

  • Professor Booty says:

    I co-sign Matthew’s post. I want to take a look back and see how little Mike Sterling first grew obsessed with Swamp Thing.