§ May 28th, 2004 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on

Well, Peiratikos did it, as did Grotesque Anatomy…so here are a few Google searches some of you people did in order to find this little ‘ol website here:


look+for+criminals+named+sterling (You got nuthin’ on me, copper!)

comic+weblogs (that’s narrowing it down)



Mike+Sterling+suicide (WHAT???)


wet+his+pants+briefs (the less I know, the happier I’ll be)

help+i’m+trapped+in+my+sister’s+body (I swear to God this is in my logs)

that+girl+can+pee+a+real+flood (again, I swear…doing that entry on people peeing in the store hasn’t done me any favors)

ATARI+A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K (uh, what?) (EDIT: I’ve been informed this is probably a search method to find ROMs.)

shakespeare+good+or+bad+writer (I’ll say…GOOD! No, wait, BAD!)

peanut+slave+usage+wein (I don’t even get this one)

future+marvel+movies+coming+out+between+2004+3000 (now that’s planning ahead)


Plus, lots and lots of people looking for scans of story pages from recently released comics, and lots of searches just on my name (maybe they should look here instead).

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